Wide Open
Wide Open is a collection of digital images that are inspired by landscapes and vast outdoor spaces. The series combines natural landscapes, illustration, and self-reflection. Even though this project started with feelings of anxiety and isolation (in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic), it became a way in which to combat them.
The combination of screen print, illustration, and digital elements comment on how layered all communication (visual and otherwise) is in its nature, while exploring color and overlap. As many may be able to relate, the global pandemic has brought abundant challenges and changes that are happening constantly, and the course of this project was no different. However, the learning and adaptation that occurred became a part of this work. I hope that the viewer can feel the possibilities in each image and that afterward you have the opportunity to go outside and breathe a little.
Lila Miller ‘21
Advisor: Cassidy Ely
All images copyright © 2021 Lila Miller. All rights reserved.

Untitled, digital image, 2021

Flat, (1 of 2), digital image, 2021

Flat, (2 of 2), digital image, 2021

It Keeps Going (forever), digital image, 2021

Norway (1 of 2), digital image, 2021

Norway (2 of 2), digital image, 2021

Floating (?), digital image, 2021

Coming Home (1 of 2), digital image, 2021

Coming Home (2 of 2), digital image, 2021