Making my Body my Own: The Innate Queerness of Tattooing
This project centers queer experiences with body reclamation through the art and process of tattooing. As LGBTQ people, our bodies are seen by many as anomalous. Our bodies are often stolen away from us, be it through gender dysphoria, homophobic and transphobic violence, or lack of access to gender-affirming healthcare. Queer bodies are not seen as personal possessions, but as public property, ruled and regulated by the State. Getting tattoos is a way of redefining our bodies for ourselves. We are in charge of the images and patterns that decorate our skin; marking us with art that lets the world know that our bodies are occupied, celebrated, and most importantly, our own. I explored themes of queerness, community, nature, and transformation through drawing, tattooing fake skin, and intaglio printmaking.
Jay Daigle ‘23
Advisor: Marina Mangubi
All images copyright © 2023 Jay Daigle. All rights reserved.