Home Is Where…?
What makes a home? The answer can be simple or complicated. It can be tied to a family or a city or a time in your life. For some, it is the house their grandparents grew up in, their parents grew up in, and that they grew up in. For others, it is a town where everyone knows their name. Sometimes it’s the small domestic touches of family heirlooms and childhood toys. Other times it’s a bevy of family photographs and physical traits that stretch back generations. Maybe it’s a certain group of friends or a particularly beloved pet. Home means different things across different cultures, whether it’s tied to the land or to ancestors or to a good source of water or a favorite meal. Maybe home is a rereading a favorite childhood book or holding a teddy bear that has moved from house to house to apartment to dorm room and beyond. For me, “home” is some combination of all of these things, a patchwork quilt of people, places, objects, and emotions. It is a creation of memory and experience. Home is also a question mark. It is nebulous and fractured and fraught with many negative connotations.
This work is about home: how it’s found, how it’s lost, and how it’s created. It’s about my personal experience with home after having a semi-nomadic childhood, explored through textual and visual analysis. I want to highlight the dissonance between traditional imagery surrounding “home” and my lived experiences. These photographs and pieces are focused on the different places I remember as home, the fractured experience of my home life, and the threads of craft and homemaking that tie my past together with my future.
D. Dickey '16
Advisors: Bridget Milligan, Art and Debra Shostak, English
All images copyright © 2016 D. Dickey. All rights reserved.

Home Is Where the Door Is. Multimedia, photograph. 17” x 11”. 2016.

Home Is Where the Ocean Is. Multimedia, photograph. 17” x 11”. 2016.

Domestics: Childhood Home. Multimedia, collage. 13” x 9”. 2016.

Memories: 1-7. Multimedia collage. 6” x 4”. 2016.

Memories: 1-7. Multimedia collage. 6 x 4”. 2016.

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